About Us
Community is home
Mosaic Living is a not-for-profit organisation and Australia’s largest provider of affordable Jewish accommodation for seniors.
We believe seniors are integral to our community, as caretakers of our collective stories and experiences. They inspire us every day as we seek to provide them with a sense of community in culture, a sense of safety and belonging, and a sense of independence.
As owners and operators of three independent living villages for seniors, we are guided by ethical and charitable principles in our mission to provide:
- Affordable independent living accommodations for Jewish seniors.
- Affordable accommodation for Jewish seniors with mental and/or physical disabilities who are equipped to live independently.
- Subsidised accommodation for Jewish seniors who are experiencing financial rental stress.
Caring for our elders and sharing the warmth and generosity of Jewish culture, from generation to generation.
Here at Mosaic Living, community means home.
Formerly B’nai B’rith Retirement Villages (BBRV), we were founded in Australia in the 1960s as an arm of the international Jewish organisation of the same name, which has a long history of supporting the Jewish community through challenging circumstances.
The organisation is founded upon the provision of humanitarian aid and support, in the spirit of Tzedekah (charity), one of the central tenets of Judaism. Initially setting out to provide dignified accommodation for displaced Holocaust survivors who migrated to Australia, today Mosaic Living continues to support and celebrate our seniors in the community, based on these same humanitarian principles.
Our TImeline
Our first retirement accommodation, Kadimah Gardens, opens in Wahroonga.
Princess Gardens, in Princess St, Rose Bay, opens to Jewish residents.
1980s and 90s
Princess Gardens expands progressively.
A new apartment complex is added to Kadimah Gardens.
Block 5A is developed at Princess Gardens.
We expand our support of the Jewish community by making independent retirement accommodation available for senior Jewish people with mental and/or physical disabilities.
We complete the purchase of an adjoining property to enable potential further expansion at Princess Gardens.
We purchase Guilfoyle Gardens, our first major expansion of operations by purchase of an existing 9-unit apartment complex.
BBRV formally changes its name to Mosaic Living — ‘from generation to generation’ — to reflect our celebration of community and culture throughout our villages.
Our Villages
A home for your best life
Our village apartments are designed for independent living, so you can live according to your own needs and desires - without the hassle of maintaining your own property
or having to share your space.
Guilfoyle Gardens
Double Bay
Kadimah Gardens
Princess Gardens
Rose Bay