Eastern Suburbs

02 9371 2631


02 9489 5670

The people that make up Mosaic Living

Meet our team

Our team warmly welcomes our residents, future residents and vistors to our villages. Our Village Managers are on site day-to-day to support residents to live their most independent and fulfilling lives, and our Board Members are dedicated to guiding our organisation forward in a way that is fitting to our mission and to our best future outcomes.

husband wife smiling wall

Village Teams Management

Robert Goldshaft

Chief Executive Officer

robert goldshaft
Desiree Gamaroff

Village Manager

Guilfoyle Gardens, Princess Gardens

desiree gamaroff mosaic living
Peter Rozario

Property & Asset Manager

Princess Gardens, Guilfoyle Gardens

peter rozario
Heather Ceurvorst

Village Manager

Kadimah Gardens

heather ceurvorst
Robert Douglas

Property & Asset Manager

Kadimah Gardens

robert douglas

Board of Directors

roma shell
Tami Sokol

Deputy Chair

tami sokol
Gavin Shapiro

Company Secretary

gavin shapiro
lyle hammerschlag
michaela lewis
Igor Merkin


igor merkin
Nir Golan


nir golan
Joshua Bloom


josh bloom